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"Music is my best friend"

AA&A / Maia Sepp ENG: Service

What slogan would represent you and your art the most?

  • It would be a Beethoven's thesis “Per aspera ad astra - Through hardships to the stars”!

What do you value the most in music?

  • Music is comprised of many components. And I could not say exactly which component I prefer mostly. Because despite of mathematic and harmonic components, the Music has an element. Music is the Art of using signs. If You have grasped the signs, You can manage the score of sounds. Unveiling the score, You will get closer to composer’s concept, and at some point a chemistry occurs between performer and sound element, which, moreover, is connected with audience’s perception as well. And at this moment if listener perceives your performance, then I can say that your goal as a performer has been achieved. Music is an entire planetary system, the space. One never exists apart from the other.

Many musicians say that they get to know themselves more and open own new talents because of your art…How the music influenced you?

  • I grew up emotionally, intellectually; it helped me to upgrade self-expression and discipline. Music serves as a ground for balanced growth.  

What does music mean to you?

  • For me, Music is the best friend I can trust.

Who are your idols?

  • My mother - Gulzhamilya Kadyrbekova, People’s Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, First Pianist of Kazakhstan, who won the largest Viotti International Pianists Competition in Italy, opened a window to Europe for Kazakh musicians. I wonder her talent, dedication to Art and hard work. 

  • My Aunt (and my second mother) – Bakhyt Akhmetova, Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences. She devoted her whole life to us, lived with our issues and successes, surrounded me with selfless love. There is no kinder and more devoted person in the world. She passed away on 30th April…

  • Assiya Ibrasheva – My lovely Aunt, Associate Professor, Candidate of Art Criticism. Close friend of my Mother, their friendship began in 3rd grade and lasts a lifetime. This is exactly the faithful person who shares sorrow and happiness with You. 

  • My Granmother – Nurkhan Batishevna Akhmedova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, she had been a Head of the Central Scientific Library of the Science Academy for more than 30 years. When she was 25, just before the War, she was elected as a Secretary of Central Committee of Lenin Communist Youth Union of Kazakhstan, raised funds and purchased 46 battle tanks, which she then delivered to the soldiers in Moscow. These tanks had a side sign “Kazakhstani Komsomol” and participated in Reichstag’s storming. 

  • My Grandfather – Raymond Sepp, bright, decent, kind human being. He worked as the Concertmaster of Viola group of the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra for more than 20 years.

If you weren't a musician, what would you be?

  • I love animals, especially dogs since my childhood. Therefore I guess I would be a Zoologist or Cynologist. 

Do you think that musicians have all opportunities to become popular and successful in Kazakhstan (on globally)? Why?   

  • In order to become in demand, successful and self-fulfilled, a Musician should have rights not just obligations. We have few opportunities for self-expression as our system has become obsolete and no funds are invested into culture. And culture cannot grow without support. 

What is the ideal life for you as a musician?

  • We, pianists, are very lucky guys. We have a large repertoire. I would really like to learn, perform as many compositions as possible. For me, as a Musician, this would be an ideal life.

AA&A / Maia Sepp ENG: Текст
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