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"My Heart I Give to Children" 

by (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

AA&A / Akmaral Emreeva ENG: Service

1. What slogan would represent you and your art the most?  

             My Heart I Give to Children by V.A.Sukhomlinsky.

These words justify that the great Art always remains great. Young generation shall turn to it as it facilitates for diversified development of a person: spiritual, emotional, creative and intellectual. 

2.     What do you value the most in music?

 - It is said that there is no a single feeling that Music cannot express. Joy, commotion, pain of loss and hope – notes’ language is so universal that it does not need explanations in words, gestures, and pictures.          

3.     Many musicians say that they get to know themselves more and open own new talents because of your art…How the music influenced you?

 - Love and dedication to one of the greatest arts of all time and all people – the Music – that brought up tens of thousands of genius musicians, composers,  conductors and singers around the world. The Legends illuminates with own achievement and global recognition the road to success for millions of young talents, whose first steps begin in music schools. And, so I upgraded my skills as a teacher, mentor, and organizer. 

4. What does music mean to you?

  - Music is a light of the soul giving a special sense of purpose.

5.     Who are your idols?

  - My mentor and teacher – Julmukhamedova Aizhan Ablaikhanovna, the Great Soul and Leader in her profession. 

6.     If you weren't a musician, what would you be?

 - I can list a lot of options, but I do not want to, because Music is my everything!

7. Do you think that musicians have all opportunities to become popular and successful in Kazakhstan (on globally)? Why? 

  - Being in demand is a condition when other person or group of bodies needs you. We ourselves should be in need for our cadres, create conditions for them, require a definite result from them, and set an example for the younger generation. Therefore, it seems to me that musicians in Kazakhstan lack this support to become in demand. 

8.     What is the ideal life for you as a musician?

 - I think there is no ideal life! But, as a Musician, I would like to have the opportunity to hold creative meetings, projects, master classes, and exchange experience with foreign colleagues.

AA&A / Akmaral Emreeva ENG: Текст
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